2014年に出演・振付した『インナーマミー』で、トヨタコレオグラフィーアワード 次代を担う振付家賞・オーディエンス賞を受賞。2015年には同作で、横浜ダンスコレクションEX2015 審査員賞・若手振付家のための在日フランス大使館賞を受賞。2016年に渡仏。フランス国立ダンスセンターのCCN/Rを拠点に半年間のアーティスト・イン・レジデンスを体験。パリやリヨン、グルノーブル、マルセイユ、カーン、ル・アーブルで過ごす。
近年の出演作として、映画『N・P』(監督:Lisa Spilliaert / 原作:吉本ばなな)、 音楽劇『バッコスの信女 ー ホルスタインの雌』(作・演出:市原佐都子)、土方巽 『疱瘡譚』の完全コピー役として「三」(監督:飯名尚人 / Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL スペシャル13 TOKYO REAL UNDERGROUND)がある。
2023年は、上田久美子の新演出でイタリア語上演のオペラ『道化師 / 田舎騎士道』(東京芸術劇場、愛知県芸術劇場)、ドイツ世界演劇祭(テアター・デア・ヴェルト)での市原佐都子作・演出『バッコスの信女 ― ホルスタインの雌』、及び新作(市原佐都子作・演出)『弱法師』出演ほか、川口隆夫『バラ色ダンス 純粋性愛批判』出演など。
主な過去作品・出演歴は こちら
Mikiko Kawamura is a Japanese dancer and choreographer.
Born in Tokyo, Kawamura started her professional dance career in 2011. Since then, she has achieved remarkable milestones in the field of contemporary dance. From 2011 to 2023, she has performed in 33 cities across 16 countries. She choreograph and perform 20 pieces or over.
In 2014, she won the “Next Generation Choreographer Award” and the “Audience Award” for her work “Inner Mommy” in Toyota Choreography Award. The following year, she received the “Jury Prize” and the French Embassy Prize for Young Choreographer, supported by Air France, at the Yokohama Dance Collection EX2015.
In 2016, Kawamura was invited to the French National Dance Center CCN/R in Lyon and spent six months as an artist-in-residence member in Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Marseille, Cannes, and Le Havre.
Kawamura’s recent performances include N.P, a Lisa Spilliaert film based on a novel by Banana Yoshimoto; The Bacchae – Holstein Milk Cows, a play written and directed by Satoko Ichihara; and Naoto Iina’s film “TOKYO REAL UNDERGROUND” in the Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Special 13, where she played the role of a complete copy of the Japanese Butoh legend Tatsumi Hijikata.
In 2022, Kawamura formed the unit “Iroha” with Taishi Watanabe and began performing on the street. Since 2023, she has updated her own YouTube channel, “Kawamura’s Animation Dance Lab”, “The day”.
In 2023, Kawamura will be involved in Kumiko Ueda’s new production of the Italian-language opera Pagliacci / Cavalleria Rusticana at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre and Aichi Arts Center; Satoko Ichihara’s The Bacchae – Holstein Milk Cows in Capitol Theater as a part of the program of Theater Der Welt 2023, Germany; and Satoko Ichihara’s new puppet show called Yoroboshi: The Weakling in Schauspiel Frankfurt, Kammerspiele, also as a part of the program of Theater Der Welt 2023. Kawamura performed in Takao Kawaguchi’s Rosen Tanz.
©Mikiko Kawamura 2022 all rights reserved.